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Bridgeport Horizontal Stub Miller

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Bridgeport Horizontal Stub Miller

Further Bridgeport Company History and "Building a Bridgeport"

Bridgeport Series 1 CNC Miller (based on the standard machine)

Bridgeport Larger CNC Millers (Interact, APC, BPC)

Late Edition, Series 1 Ram-head Miller Catalogue

Computer-modelled Illustration

Not made as a commercial undertaking (only one is thought to have been sold out of the three manufactured), the Bridgeport Horizontal miller was used in the factory for various production processes. For its limited capacity the miller was very heavily built - but absolutely straightforward in design, being rather like a giant vertical head set on its back face and completely self-contained with a motor in the base driving the horizontal spindle through (it is thought), a 5-step V-belt pulley. Of the simple stub type without a supporting overarm, the spindle assembly was obviously intended for the simplest of operations. The table had lever feeds for the x and Y feeds, an ideal arrangement for production processes such as slotting..