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Cincinnati Milling Machines
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Cincinnati Toolmaster  2MI, 2ML 203, 205, 307 & 410   8" x 18" Tool & Die Miller   

Cincinnati Contourmaster

  Cincinnati Tool & Cutter Grinder No. 2   Cincinnati Monoset Tool & Cutter Grinder   Serial Numbers

Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manuals
are available for most Cincinnati Millers

Cap-Type Arbor support - an intermediate drop bracket to assist with for heavy-duty work

"Enclosed Driving Mechanism" - to power dividing and indexing heads for spiral milling. With suitable changewheels in place leads from 2.5" to 100" could be obtained. A version without a gear guard was also available.

Plain Indexing Head. This unit was built with various swings including 12" and 16". It was able to index three and five divisions and all even numbers from 4 to 50 inclusive

Gear Cutting Attachment.  The spiral milling attachment utilised this head together with a drive shaft to connect to the table feed screw.

20" and 24" Circular Milling Attachment for power feed. With this unit mounted the operator had the equivalent of a rotary table miller.

Right-Angle Plate--for setting up dividing heads and small fixtures at right-angles to the table T-slots

Raising Blocks - to give increased capacity to indexing heads. Two heights were offered: 2" and 3"

Precision Measuring Accessories--channels and holders for length rods and dial-test indicators

Cincinnati Dial Type Millers   

Early Cincinnati Dial Type Millers   

Late Cincinnati Dial Types   

Operating the Cincinnati Dial Type 

Cincinnati Accessories   

Cincinnati Factory   

Cincinnati Cinedo Miller   

Cincinnati Toolmaster   

Millers 2MI, 2ML 203, 205, 307 & 410   

8" x 18" Tool & Die Miller   

Cincinnati Contourmaster 

Cincinnati Serial Numbers

Cincinnati Tool & Cutter Grinder No. 2

Cincinnati Monoset Tool & Cutter Grinder

Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manuals
are available for most Cincinnati Millers

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Operation, Maintenance and Parts Manuals
are available for most Cincinnati Millers