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Adept Lathes - Page 2
Sheffield, England and T.N.C Australia

Adept Lathes Home Page   Larger T.N.C.-CamSon Bench Lathe

Adept Shapers   Australian T.N.C. Adept   USA Adept   

Specialist Adept Pages    Mr. F.W.Portass   

Simple compound slide rest without micrometer dials - and the most basic of nuts embracing the Acme-form, left-hand 12 t.p.i. leadscrew

The tailstock was guided by ways down the middle of the bed and was fitted with a No. 0 Morse taper barrel. The handle on the leadscrew handwheel was properly waisted.

Rear View of the gap bed

A basic Adept with the original supplier's transfer

Original or modified ? Certainly the casting bolted to the front face of the headstock is a complex affair with its integral leadscrew bearing and tumble reverse mounting.

Just why the crude Adept 3-jaw chuck was so inadequate is obvious from the picture -
still, the jaws were hardened and, in skilled hands, remarkable results were possible.

Although it looks very Adept like, this "Wakefield" lathe was almost certainly built by Portass

Adept Lathes Home Page   Larger T.N.C.-CamSon Bench Lathe

Adept Shapers   Australian T.N.C. Adept   USA Adept   Specialist Adept Pages   

Mr. F.W.Portass   Adept literature is available   

Adept Lathes - Page 2
Sheffield, England and T.N.C Australia
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