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MANEX Jig Borer & Jig Grinder

Other Makes of Jig Borer

Manufactured from the late 1950s until the late 1960s, the origin of MANEX Jig borer/Jig grinder is a mystery - for in none of the writer's directories of Italian machine tool makers which span that period does the name MANEX appear. With importation into the U.K. organised by P.M.T. Machine Tools Ltd. from their offices in Oozells Street in Birmingham, it is known that the name MANEX was also applied to milling machines with examples of those, and jig borers, also being found in the United States.
From the original photographs in the writer's collection (three are shown below), it appears that the maker's bade was screwed on - hence, there is a chance that the name would have been a marketing exercise by one of the better-known makers of milling machines in Italy at that time, perhaps Izeta, Bandini, Omega jig borer, Rambaudi,   - though perhaps the best guesses are Induma and Riva as the rectangular style and font used on all the badges is so similar.

Other Makes of Jig Borer
MANEX Jig Borer & Jig Grinder
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