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Hobson 5.75-inch Lathe - Page 2

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The tumble reverse operating arm was not spring loaded - instead a nut had to be undone to before the arm could be moved and the other gear engaged. Clearance between the gears was regulated by stop screws protruding inwards through each end of the slot.

Screwcutting chart from a 1960s machine.

Inside the geared-headstock

Spindle-speed  control levers; these had no safety catch or spring loading and if accidentally knocked could be easily moved with potentially disastrous consequences.

Rather poor digit stamps on the cross-feed micrometer dial...

… even worse on the carriage feed handle dial ...

… but worst of all on the top-slide dial.

While the top-slide 'swivelling base' degree-marking may have been "rolled in" the numbers were crudely stamped.

Hobson 5.75-inch Home Page

Hobson Home Page    Working at Victa

Hobson 5.75-inch Lathe - Page 2
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