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Excel (Victoria) Surface Grinding Machines
No.1 Vertical Spindle : No. 2 Surface
No. 3/12 Surface : No. 3A Surface

Excel No. 3C Surface

Excel No. 5 Tool & Cutter Grinder 

Excel Semi-Universal Grinder

Excel Home Page   

Excel-branded BCA Mini Jig Borer

Excel-branded No. 1 Jig Borer
Excel Grinders   Vari-speed Countershaft

Manuals are available for many Excel machine tools

High-resolution pictures - may take time to open

The Excel No.1 Vertical Spindle Grinder as sold during the early 1950s. By the 1960s this grinder had been renamed as the "Elliott 5-10" and, although of the same mechanical specification, had been fitted with a rear-mounted vertical "outrigger" bar that improved the movement of the swivel head as it was swung in an arc

Excel No. 3C Surface

Excel No. 5 Tool & Cutter Grinder 

Excel Semi-Universal Grinder

Excel Home Page   

Excel-branded BCA Mini Jig Borer

Excel-branded No. 1 Jig Borer
Excel Grinders   Vari-speed Countershaft

Manuals are available for many Excel machine tools

Excel (Victoria) Surface Grinding Machines
No.1 Vertical Spindle : No. 2 Surface
No. 3/12 Surface : No. 3A Surface

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