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Gorton "Pantomill" Pantographs
2-D Engraving & 3-D Die-Sinking Machines
Models: P1-2, 3-U, 3-Z, P3-2, 3-S, P1-3, P2-3, 3-L

Gorton Pantographs Home Page

Gorton All-models 1963   Gorton All- Models 1968   Gorton Model 1-22   

Gorton Super-Speed Millers   Gorton Tool & Cutter Grinders

Literature is available for a
wide range of Gorton Machine Tools

Gorton Pantographs Home Page

Gorton All-models 1963   Gorton All- Models 1968   Gorton Model 1-22   

Gorton Super-Speed Millers   Gorton Tool & Cutter Grinders

Literature is available for a
wide range of Gorton Machine Tools

Gorton "Pantomill" Pantographs
2-D Engraving & 3-D Die-Sinking Machines
Models: P1-2, 3-U, 3-Z, P3-2, 3-S, P1-3, P2-3, 3-L
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