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Clement Watchmaker's Lathe - Page 2
Early and Late "Combined Lathe Attachment"

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Clement Standard WW Lathe

The illustrations that follow below the photographs were taken from a 1923 Clement advertising brochure "The Clement Combined Lathe Attachment" - a publication that was rescued and scanned just in time - many of the pages crumbling to dust when sandwiched between the glass plates necessary to hold them together for scanning.

Late version of the Clement Combined Lathe Attachment

Pictures of the later-type Clement Combined Lathe Attachment

Clement Lathe Home Page    Clement Special Tailstock

Clement Standard WW Lathe

Copies of an original Clement Instruction
and Advertising booklet are available

Clement Watchmaker's Lathe - Page 2
Early and Late "Combined Lathe Attachment"
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