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Wadkin Factory Photographs

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A series of photographs taken inside the busy Leicester factory of Wadkin Ltd. during the early to mid 1950s.

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Wadkin factory: one of the fitting bays showing Cross Cutting machines, Dimension Saws and Planing machines in the course of building

Wadkin factory: one of the Heavy Machine Shops

One of the thirteen bays of the 20,000 square-foot factory Wadkin Factory in Leicester

Wadkin factory: one of the fitting shops showing, on the left-hand side the large scale manufacturing of High Frequency Planing and Moulding Machines

Wadkin factory: the Pattern Shop where wooden patterns for all castings used by the factory were made

Wadkin factory: a group of six pattern Millers nearing completion

Wadkin factory: the Tool & Cutter Department where the most effect types were made for fitting to each model

Wadkin factory: the Testing Department where all machines were required to pass mechanical and electrical tests. Each was also run under power, the department being equipped with a variety of electrical systems that allowed a machine to be tested on the same supply found at its destination

Wadkin factory: putting the finishing touches to a Universal Pattern Miller

Wadkin factory: Routers, Cross Cutting Machines taking shape in one of the Assembly Shops

Wadkin factory: a combined Surfacer and Thicknesser taking shape in the Final Assembly Department

Wadkin factory: the Turning Department with two lines of Ward capstan and turret lathes

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Wadkin Factory Photographs

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