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Unknown Lathe No. 169

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Might this be a backgeared and screwcutting version of the precision plain-turning Swiss Kuhlmann? It certainly has a number of similar features - though it's rumoured to have been  to have been made in what used to be East Germany.
Three unusual features stand out: the very narrow backgears, the excessive doming of the flat-belt pulleys and the triple slide rest assembly - a unit made even stranger by the use of a lever feed on the topmost slide. What might be considered another slightly uncommon fitting - on such a basic lathe intended for amateur use - is a spindle turning in ball or roller races. Apart from these oddities, it appears to be a lathe of quite ordinary arrangement and might have been made at any time between the late 1940s and 1960s. Unfortunately, the changewheels have been lost and a simple belt drive made up to turn the leadscrew.

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Unknown Lathe No. 169
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