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Lifting Mills, Drills, Grinders, etc.
- slinging methods suggested by various manufacturers -

Lifting a Lathe

Advice on Moving a Machine

As with any machine tool, do not let ropes, chains or strops press against parts that might bend or distort. Take time and trouble to prevent this happening - as shown in some of the illustrations below - by packing out with blocks of wood or metal spreaders on the lifting ropes.
Many larger milling machines often have holes bored through the castings through which steel bars can be inserted - the lifting ropes passing round the protruding ends. Others have slots to take lifting hooks and/or tapped holes to take screw-in lifting eyes. If the makers manual is not available, it pays to look for these built-in lifting aids.
If you have the slightest doubt about moving a machine tool. it pays to have the job done professionally.

Lifting a Lathe

Advice on Moving a Machine

Lifting Mills, Drills, Grinders, etc.
- slinging methods suggested by various manufacturers -
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