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Jakobsen Tool & Cutter Grinder

Manuals are available for Jakobsen Grinders

Founded in 1942, the Danish Jakobsen Company are best known for their range of high-quality surface grinders. Jacobsen was, for many years, produced by Svend Jacobsen A/S in Kastrup near Copenhagen. The firm does not exit any more, but the grinders are still renovated (and to some extent produced) by Bast & Co. a firm situated in Vejle, Jutland. For many decades the most popular and widely sold were the conventional Types SJ12, SJ16, SJ24 and SJ25, while in modern times automatic and computer-controlled models have been introduced which, by the 1990s, included the SJ618, SJ824, SJ1032, SJ1424, SJ1432, SJ5025 and the SJ6025.
Unfortunately the little Jakobsen tool & Cutter grinder shown below is little known and technical information scarce - should any reader be able to help with details the writer would be most interested to hear from you.
Another rare example of a Jakobsen cutter grinder can be seen here

Jakobsen Tool & Cutter Grinder

Manuals are available for Jakobsen Grinders

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