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Hardinge HLV-H Catalog Tooling & Accessories

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Early HLV Catalog

Tooling and accessories for the Hardinge HLV-H lathe including a wide variety  collets (a Hardinge speciality), metric screwcutting attachment (and later a dual Enhlish/metric screwcutting gearbox), faceplates, steady rest, follower rest, (fixed and travelling steadies), 3 and 4-jaw chucks, spindle backplates (fixture plates), carriage stop with dial indicator, angle plates, taper-turning attachment, automatic-indexing 4-way toolpost, rear toolpost, radius-turning attachment, coolant equipment, chip and coolant giuards, machine light, tailstock drilling plate, super-precision rotating tailstock centre, tailstock chuck, Morse-taper centres and a tracer attachment (hydraulic copying). The operator's chair listed for the HLV was not, apparently, offered….

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Early HLV Catalog
Hardinge HLV-H Catalog Tooling & Accessories

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