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The "Dale" Lathe

As there never was a Company called Dale that manufactured lathes, the use of parenthesis in the title is entirely appropriate. While nothing is known of the lathe's origins, it is an interesting machine; its very old-fashioned appearance hints at it being designed no later that, say, 1920 - but the option of having V-belts on the motor drive proves that it continued to be built after 1930.
There is a chance that the Dale was handled by a once well-known importer of machine tools (largely from Europe and the United States) the Selson Engineering Co. Ltd. of London - a firm that re-branded most items before being sold on, Names dreamed up by their sales department included "Detrioit", Express, "Sterling", Reliance", Reliable", "Regent", "Brandon", "Kern", "Albion", "Excelsior", "Granby", "Champion", "Osborne" and "Victoria". Prevalent until the early 1930s, this practice slowed died out during that decade.

The "Dale" Lathe
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