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The Balding Beaver History and Sales Story
Continued on Page 2

Beaver Home Page  Manuals for Beaver Millers here
If any reader has early Beaver Advertising or Maintenance Literature,
the writer would be pleased to hear from you

Although much is known about the technical development of machine tools, little appears in print about the nuts and bolts of selling and shipping them. However, thanks to Peter Shore M.B.E., once the sales manager of Balding, makers of the well-known Beaver milling machines, here a fascinating window is opened on the sales activities of that Company during the 1960s. Things we now take for granted, such as containerisation and air freight, were the coming things during that era and, thanks to Peter's preservation of important documents, some interesting facts can be revealed about those and other matters.

Mr. V.H. Balding M.B.E., Ch. Eng., M.I.P.E. Chairman and Managing Director of the balding Group of Companies

Duke Street, Norwich: site of the original Balding Factory

Moving up in the world: Sweet Bar Road in Norwich - site of the first new Balding factory opened in 1961. Other production units were sited at Yarmouth and Fakenham

The two Balding demonstration vans used during the 1950s. Peter Shore, then the Sales Manager, explains the reasoning behind their use: One early method of mine was to invite an M.D. (who would  be usually reluctant to find the time to visit or factory or exhibition) out to a quick token lunch and a private demonstration. He often (always a he in those days) would take the bait, make a date and I would turn up in one of the demonstration vans--along with a 100n yard extension lead. As the display vehicle had a built-in fridge well stocked with quality salmon sandwiches and chilled Chablis--I would provided a private and convivial "lunch" followed by a demonstration in the factory yard - much to his amusement, and often his staff as well!


Los Angeles - United States

Amsterdam - The Netherlands

Zagrab - in the former Yugoslavia

Ankara - Turkey

Hong Kong

Chicago - United States

Johannesburg - South Africa

Barcelona - Spain

Milan - Italy

Beaver History Continued on Page 2

Beaver Home Page  Manuals for Beaver Millers here
If any reader has early Beaver Advertising or Maintenance Literature,
the writer would be pleased to hear from you

The Balding Beaver History and Sales Story
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