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Ames Precision Bench Lathe
- photographs -
If any reader has an Ames lathe, and would like to supply a set of pictures for
use in the Archive, the writer would be delighted to make contact
Ames Home Page   Ames Millers   Ames Triplex Multi-Function Machine
   Ames 1940s to 1960s    Circa 1835/80 Ames Chicopee Lathe

E-MAIL   Tony@lathes.co.uk
Home   Machine Tool Archive   Machine-tools for Sale & Wanted
Machine Tool Manuals   Machine Tool Catalogues   Belts   Books   Accessories

Ames Precision Bench Lathe
- photographs -
If any reader has an Ames lathe, and would like to supply a set of pictures for
use in the Archive, the writer would be delighted to make contact
Ames Home Page   Ames Millers   Ames Triplex Multi-Function Machine
   Ames 1940s to 1960s    Circa 1835/80 Ames Chicopee Lathe