Screwcutting Lathe Model 00 "> Ames Chicopee Page 2

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Ames of Chicopee Mass. - Page 2
Precision 71/4" Backgeared and
Screwcutting Lathe Model 00

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Another, rather different - and later - Ames Chicopee lathe that reflects much in the way of contemporary practice. The headstock has a far more robust casting (though the bearings appear to have changed little) with the tumble-reverse gears - though still exposed - better supported and operated by a small quadrant lever positioned at the bottom left-hand corner of the front face. The apron has been greatly simplified with a quite ordinary clasp-nut assembly to grip the leadscrew and a handwheel that must also have engaged with it. The latter arrangement probably meant the leadscrew had to be connected to the handwheel through some sort of friction clutch, a small, concentrically mounted lever being fitted to engaged it.

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Chicopee Home Page   Ames of Chicopee Parts Pictures   Chicopee Page 4

The "other" Ames Home Page

If any reader has an Ames lathe, and would like to supply a set of
pictures for use in the Archive, the writer would be delighted to make contact

Ames of Chicopee Mass. - Page 2
Precision 71/4" Backgeared and
Screwcutting Lathe Model 00

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