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Abawerk Surface Grinder - Germany

Imported during the late 1940s and early 1950s by the sole UK agents Broadway Engineering Co. Ltd. of Carlisle Road, Hendon, London N.W.9, the Abawerk surface grinder was of entirely convention design. Like most machines of the era the drive was hydraulic, this being a considerable improvement of older mechanical systems being not only smoother and less prone to vibration and wear but also simpler and less expensive to manufacture.
Abawerk offered four models, a simple type, the FFk, with mechanical drive and available as a bench model and intended to appeal to those shops needing only the occasional us of a grinder. This version had the capacity to grind a job 12 inches long and 5 inches wide and (as a bench model) weighed 250 kg). 
The hydraulic-drive models, all mounted on a heavy base in cast iron, were named after their grinding capacity in mm:
FF 350/150 (14 inches long and 6 inches wide) weight 1007 kg
FF 450/200 (18 inches long and 8 inches wide) weight 1134 kg
FF 600/200 (24 inches long and 8 inches wide) weight 1161 kg
Gear and shafts - in so far as they were used - were in hardened chrome nickel steel and provided with automatic lubrication.

The amusing Abawerke logo

Abawerk Surface Grinder - Germany
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