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Unknown Lathes No. 92
- a "portable" Watchmaker's Lathe -
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A most unusual machine, neatly boxed and fitted with an integrated drive system consisting of a variable-speed 12-volt DC motor intended - presumably - to be run from a car battery or similar. As a result, the overhung headstock pulley required just one groove to take the round drive belt - this being, originally of the cat-gut round leather type.
In addition to being a conventional lathe, the "Portable" was also able to perform as a pair of "turns", a simpler type of "dead-centre" lathe usually driven by hand using a bow and furrule. To achieve this two "tailstocks were mounted, one to the right acting as the end support for the "turns" and the one to the left doubling up as the lathe's tailstock Presumably the right-hand support could be removed to give a greater capacity between centres.
If you have a similar machine, or any literature about them, the writer would be interested to hear from you.

Unknown Lathes Home Page

Unknown Lathes No. 92
- a "portable" Watchmaker's Lathe -
E-Mail   Tony@lathes.co.uk 
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